Keyman Insurance (Life & Critical Illness)

Keyman insurance is a life insurance policy that a company purchases on the life of an owner, a top executive, or any individual considered critical to the business. The company is the beneficiary of the policy and pays the premiums. These policies are designed to compensate the business when a key person dies or becomes disabled and can no longer fulfill their role.


Employee Benefits

A good benefits program helps you attract and keep the best employees, enhance engagement lead to happier and more productive team, effectively help your business thrive.


Directors & Officers Liability

Directors & Officers insurance provides personal protection for directors, officers and management against financial loss arising from the potential exposures for alleged or actual wrongdoing associated with managing or supervising the company (whether private or listed), and legal representation expenses regarding regulatory investigations.


Employee's Retention Plan

Employee retention is strategies that a company uses to keep the best employees committed and reduce the chance of them being hunted.


Prospectus Liability for Executive to be Listed Company

Prospectus Liability Insurance is designed to provide coverage for claims arising out of misleading or inaccurate information in a prospectus. The main risk relates to misinterpretation of information contained in the investment prospectus that is sent to current and potential investors.


Kidnap & Ransom

Kidnap & Ransom insurance is designed to help protect your organization from the financial impact of sudden and unexpected expenses related to kidnapping, extortion, and ransom or illegal detention. It typically provides coverage for the fees and expenses of response consultants. These policies also provide reimbursement of various financial losses including, but not limited to, ransoms, legal liability and defence costs, scalable personal accident benefits for injury or death, and multiple additional expenses associated with the loss such as medical care, psychological counselling, public relations consulting, and legal advice.